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Sejak jaman krisis moneter, bangsa kita terpuruk, banyak perusahaan dan pengusaha yg gulung tikar. Akibat nya jumlah pengangguran semakin meningkat. Otomatis kasus kejahatan pun meningkat, dari mulai penipuan, pencopetan, penjambretan sampai perampokan. Dalam kasus tersebut, korban tidak hanya mengalami kerugian materi/harta melainkan dapat mengancam jiwa korban bahkan sampai menelan korban jiwa.

Untuk mengatasi itu semua adalah dengan cara meningkatkan pengamanan di lingkungan kita seperti Siskamling, Ronda dan jika di perlukan kita dapat memasang CCTV Sytem.

Dalam hal ini sy mendapatkan informasi menarik seputar Video Surveillance Software Gratis untuk membangun CCTV System yang berjalan di atas operating system Microsoft Windows yamg menggunakan USB Camera atau CCTV Camera + Device Video Capture USB/PCI Card. Adapula Camera yang memiliki feature IR (Infra RED) yang dapat menangkap gambar dalam keadaan gelap atau tidak ada cahaya sedikitpun.
Yg lebih menarik software ini ..... Hasil Video nya bisa di Remote dari PC lain melalui jaringan LAN bahkan jaringan Internet juga di mungkinkan. Jadi kita bisa memonitor keadaan Rumah, Kantor, Warnet, Warung, Toko, Rukan, Gudang kita dari manapun melalui jaringan Internet.
Luar biasa, bisa direkam, hasil rekaman bisa di cari berdasarkan waktu jam, tanggal dsb.
Nama software tersebut adalah

EyeLine Professional Video Surveillance Software

Sumber : http://www.nchsoftware.com/surveillance/index.html
Download dalam file Zip http://www.audiochannel.net/software/informant.zip
Download dalam file EXE http://www.nchsoftware.com/surveillance/insetup.exe

Typical Applications

* Monitoring of buildings or offices after hours for security.
* As a video surveillance recorder in shops to prevent theft.
* Used in conjunction with a security alarm, EyeLine can capture, analyse and
play back security footage to determine if a security call out is warranted.
* Simple, yet effective video security system for your home.
* As a pet surveillance system. Find out what they are up to when you're not around.


* Records up to 100+ camera sources simultaneously.
* Motion detection recording saves space by only recording when something is happening.
* Email or SMS alerts available for motion detection.
* Automatic time stamping of frames lets you use footage as evidence if required.
* Web control panel lets you access and view recordings remotely.
* 'Save to' feature lets you save footage to a network folder.
* Back up recordings via FTP.
* Video can be monitored live on the screen as it records.
* Cameras can be setup in a flash by just a click of a button.
* Find and play recordings ordered by camera, date, duration and motion detected.
* Integrated with Express Burn Plus to record video files to DVD.
* Intelligent, easy to use and extremely reliable for day-to-day operation.

System Requirements

* Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
* Camera(s) with Windows drivers. Almost all PC connectable cameras on the market today will work.
* Adequate USB (or other) ports for each camera.
You can use USB hubs but watch the required bandwidth specified by the camera you want to use.

Semoga bermanfaat dan Selamat mencoba

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Main ScreenShoot

Options ScreenShoot

Recording ScreenShoot

USB Video Capture Box

USB Video Capture Unit

USB Camera

Infra RED Outdoor Camera

Video Capture Box

USB Video Capture Unit

USB Video Capture Remote Control and Drivers

PCI Card Video Capture Unit

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